Just wait until you open your Sunday paper.
The Jennifer Wilbanks story has so many elements of what constitutes a good news story that it's impossible to ignore.
Lots of people know about the stresses and anxieties that come from planning a wedding. There's deception. Intrigue. Potential love gone bad. Twist from a potential hideous crime story to a case of "cold feet." A disappearance. A manhunt. A wedding party of 600, each of whom will feel left at the alter. How will the husband react? His day went from dispair, to facing police interrogation to bewilderment that his bride-to-be just "might not be into him."
Of course the fact that Jennifer Wilbanks is safe is the only thing that matters. But the police resources, emotional trauma of those close to her and the puzzlement of the man she was about to marry make this a big news story. The details will continue to unfold today, tomorrow and perhaps early into the week and the public will read every word.
Catching a bus to Vegas? Seems like a drastic measure. Little did she know this would be big news story. But it is.
One thing's for sure. How many times are the networks going to show her head shot with the wide buggy eyes? She's eerily reminiscent of Laurie Metcalf in "Scream 2."
Lifetime is already working on the script.