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May 17, 2005


Sorry but I couldn't disagree more because there are so many scenes in both shows I could totally relate to. Whether it's Long Island or Queens I have had many, many laughs. No show is perfect but both are both far better than any "reality" show because the reality shows don't even come close to reality. ELR and KOQ are closer to reality than any show I've seen in a long time; middle class couples and families just trying to love and laugh with each other.

I love "King of Queens" and I liked "Raymond," up until about 2000. I think the show went downhill about the same time its popularity soared. Producers were trying too hard. If you look at the early "Raymond" episodes, they were better written with more character development. The last five years or so they've relied on the Debra-Raymond conflict and goofy Robert facial expressions to carry the "story" line. Watch any recent "Raymond" and you'll see what I mean.

I agree. However, your article pretty much pans the whole series and emphasizes the negative rather than the positive.

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