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September 25, 2007


Good list. I would add something from Van Halen, maybe like Eruption or Mean Streets.

I LOVE More Human Than Human. But I play it when I'm pissed off.

Another good workout song, especially if you walk: Stupid Girl by Garbage.

No Metallica!?!

Rebel Yell, Billie Idol. Thanks for the other ideas.

About the moon - did you hear me howling? It's really great!

Billy Idol - nice. That should be somewhere in the Top 20. The moon has been awesome.

thought there would have been eye of the tiger in the top 10 since its meant to make u try harder durin ur workout and u do more than your usual. so it said in a science journal this week

Muscles - I thought of using this classic Survivor track but it's kind of tacky and dated for my tastes.

And Justice For All... Metallica.. yeahh!! lol

Eye of the Tiger is a must and that tune playing when Rocky runs around Philly and up the steps at the end!

I know you wrote this a long time ago but there is no better motivator on a long run or bike ride than "Rearviewmirror" by Pearl Jam. I also never complete a run without hearing "The Rocky Road to Dublin" by Dropkick Murphys Also, more recently, "Square One Here I Come" by The Hives is great for kickboxing.

I really like this blog, you are very good making them. I say that the issue discussed in this blog is quite interesting and of high quality.

What kind of workout outs are you doing?

You on dat phaggy time cuz?


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